Monday, November 06, 2006

Dog or 'Homo Sapien'????

I do not know why but more I observe my dog, more I am re-affirmed, he thinks he is not a dog! I swear it is true. My dog thinks he is a Homo Sapien. He believes he is a human. Well, the kind of life he enjoys, I think he is far more better placed than a pot-bellied and beer guzzling tycoon!

Anyways, here are signs why I realise my dog thinks he is a human! Caution: It could happen to your dog too.

1. He has started sleeping on the bed rather than the floor. He cannot sleep until his head is on pillow or on your leg and covered with a quilt or bedsheet.

2. He prefers sitting on the first seat in the car than anywhere in the car. The back seat or sitting on someone's lap is not his cup of tea.If he is in a better mood, than he hits the driver seat. Also, he believes whenever the car is started, it is for him to be taken around the city!

3. He is interested in eating human food than dog food. This is not about tasting the food but switching diets. No more Pedigree. Hello to kalakand, panipuri, boondi, suji, roti, naariyal paani, maaza etcetra

4.This is one sign is not only the weirdest but the most adorable! He loves to play with anything that is round and bounces. Anyways, the cricket ball is his favourite! He loves to catch it and has this victory run when he catches it. The victory run is nothing but him just holding the ball in his mouth and roaming around the house shaking his head. So, when the ball bounces my dog uses his hands to catch the ball instead of his mouth which he is supposed to use. So, much for human traits!

5. My dog has this dumb habit of drinking water only from a glass and not use his bowl. There are times when the water bowl is touched but he prefers a glass to drink water. People, who visit my house need not worry, his cutlery and glasses are kept seperate!

6. This is the most humiliating and shameful. My dog responds to the name AKSHA and thinks he is my owner! Yes, it is sad. According to him, I am the cocker spaniel and he the college going student!


17 and not so confused said...

lol so dat means v cal u cashew from now[:D] haha nice!cya tom cashew dis is gonna be fun;)

Aksha said...

i just wrote he responds to Aksha and I do not respond to cashew

Anonymous said...

whats kalakand?