Sunday, October 22, 2006

A Snoring DOG!

My dog enjoys all the fancies in this world as it is very clear. His nakhras (Note: I thought no other english word could justify his antics!) are taken with an open heart and open arms. Here is something about my royal dog that I not only find annoying but rather cute!

My dog has a habit of SNORING! Yes, dogs do snore and mine does loudly. If he were a human with this habit, then any sane person let alone refuse to share a room with him would blatantly say NO to even share a room with him. In my cashew idolising house, it is a bit different. Before, anyone lies down to sleep, he is called with love to sleep next to them. No one ever minds being woken up in the middle of the night with those loud snores at all. They are rather loved. I am amused that my folks have not recorded it yet and played in front of every guest that comes home! I just wonder who is that ignorant person who says looks are not important? Because they are! No wonder my dog gets this five star treatment and every annoying habit of his just brushed aside.

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